Department of Social Studies and Sociology

Areas of teaching and research: Social work BA, Social pedagogy BA, Sociology BA, Community and civil studies MA

Case work
Child poverty, child welfare, family
Civil society
Community development, community social work
Data analysis and presentation
Economic sociology
Health psychology
Interdisciplinarity, interprofessionality in communities and civic activities
Local society and community needs, local politics and local society
Methodology of community development and civic activity
Peer support
Practice of community work, case work, group work
Social care system,
Social gerontology
Social management
Social pedagogy
Social policy
Social responsibility
Social structure, stratification and mobility
Social theories
Social work in corporate environment, in disadvantaged settlements, in health care, in
Social work with addicts, communities, elderly people, families, groups, gypsies,
handicapped people, homeless people, mentally ill people
Sociology of education and pedagogy, family, organizations, consumption society
Youth policy, Youth work

Head of the department:  

Dr. habil. Csizmadia Zoltán PhD

Contact information:

Nits Lászlóné

Tel: +36 96 503 623
