Department of Social Studies - Scientific activities
Scientific activities
Since its establishment in 1996 our department has been training curious, active, observing, creative personalities in the framework of social work. They are able to think systematically in context, and approach the problem and the situation from different angles. They are self-confident in dealing with changes, individuals, families, communities and their social problems. They are also able to perform well in their professional work in the fields of social and other human services, without any prejudices and with the spirit of ethics in mind. Our training philosophy is defined by the new international definition of social work (Global Standards), the scale of values of social work (the innate values and dignity of a human; looking at a human as a whole; recognize his or her strengths; partnership; stand against discrimination; free will, etc.), inwardness of the Directives of Sopron (1990) and the domestic professional Code of Ethics. We look at our training as service in a service, a remarkable period of professional socialization. We realize knowledge and competence based training. Our basic principle is not to exceed the line of ‘handed-over’ learning management methods. We work by looking at the development of the syllabus and the training as a system and we use active, contact building methods.